雑誌にあなたの アクセサリー 無料で掲載しませんか?10/15(土)23:59〆切

Would you like to publish your accessories for free in the magazine? 10/15 (Sat) 23:59 deadline


\ writer's support plan! /

10/15 (Sat) 23:59 deadline

Your accessories in magazines
Want to post for free?

A place to announce your achievements and works! !

Advertise ANAM gems in next month's magazine⁡
Will be posted on page 1
Uses natural stones from ANAM gems⁡
Please let me post handmade accessories!

Take your time this time! ! 🤣
*Please refer to the previous post for details⁡


\The theme is Museum/

Fun to look at, like a museum.
Not a familiar accessory

Something that is unique to you, beautiful or cute as a work

I want many people to see such works.
The wide range of accessories made from natural stones,
I would like to convey the beauty of natural stone.


⁡Benefits for writers⁡

❶Your work and name will be published, so your brand recognition will increase!

❷ You can make your own accessories appealing in national newspapers!

❸Since it is a quarterly magazine, the effect of publication in the magazine is more than 1 month⁡
❹ Because it is one page of the magazine, it is published relatively large ⁡
❺ Post for free!

❻ You can create magazine publication results! (Published 40,000 copies)


Honestly, posting your work
I was worried about the risk of ANAM gems.

However, AAM gems
We have grown with our customers.

We will continue to support handmade accessory artists using natural stones.

We want you to know more about our value,
I hope the awareness of natural stone accessories will increase.

And I would like you to expand the range of activities of the writer.


Application requirements⁡

① The main natural stone of the work is
On sale as of 10/15 (including non-published on the web)
Accessories using natural stone beads from ANAM gems.

Metal fittings are anything!
Macrame and embroidery are also OK.

Please contact us for stock availability!

② Those who can send us the specified information by 10/15 (Tue) 23:69 ⁡
③Accessories with a design that allows you to clearly see the natural stone and does not overlap with other people

④Emphasis on winter to spring designs⁡
⑤Those who will continue to support ANAM gems in the future (thank you!)

⑥ Those who do not complain about the placement after posting


Beads that make you happy when you use them

⁡ Ruby Sapphire
emerald tanzanite pearl
blue moonstone opal


(1) We will inform only those who want to publish the magazine. Please refrain from canceling requests depending on the magazine.

②Those who can reply immediately after 10/16.

③Since this is an advertisement for ANAM gems, please let me introduce the natural stones used⁡
④ Just because it was published,
Please understand that sales are not always guaranteed.

It is recommended to use it as an achievement⁡
⑤Those who send out the information in the magazine after it is published⁡
⑥ Please use a design that is not copyrighted or an imitation of someone else's design⁡


What should I do now if I want to be published?

①Find Instagram and photo folders,
Please find the corresponding work!
Please prepare as many photos as possible

・Black and white gray background ・Wearing image ・Simple design image

For harmony, please do not process.
It is OK to apply for multiple copies and line up series!

Please write <magazine> at the top and at the end after sending the photo. We will send you the entry form after confirmation.

Reply until 15:00 on 10/16 (Sun)!!


What are ANAM gems?

・I want you to know good natural stones⁡
・I want you to enjoy the personality of the natural stone and your personality⁡
・Any day, nature and humans are connected⁡
・Not obsolete,

Conveying the charm of beautiful and wonderful natural stones⁡
⁡ handmade accessories
I want to liven it up!

If you agree with the purpose of ANAM gems, we look forward to your application!

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